dr Neil Rupareliain TAVI/ TAVR communityhttps://health-shared.com/stories/how-do-i-prepare-for-a-tavi-procedure-0595How do I prepare for a TAVI procedure?dr Neil RupareliaHere Professor N. Ruparelia Consultant Cardiologist discusses how an individual can prepare for a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation to ensure the safest results for surgery.
How do I prepare for a TAVI procedure?dr Neil RupareliaHere Professor N. Ruparelia Consultant Cardiologist discusses how an individual can prepare for a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation to ensure the safest results for surgery.
dr Neil Rupareliain Coronary Artery Disease Communityhttps://health-shared.com/stories/what-is-an-angioplasty-0429What is an angioplasty?dr Neil RupareliaHere Professor N. Ruparelia Consultant Cardiologist discusses what and angioplasty is.
What is an angioplasty?dr Neil RupareliaHere Professor N. Ruparelia Consultant Cardiologist discusses what and angioplasty is.
dr Neil Rupareliain Coronary Artery Disease Communityhttps://health-shared.com/stories/what-can-i-expect-when-recovering-from-an-angioplasty-0715What can I expect when recovering from an angioplasty?dr Neil RupareliaHere Professor N. Ruparelia Consultant Cardiologist discusses what to possibly expect when recovering from an angioplasty.
What can I expect when recovering from an angioplasty?dr Neil RupareliaHere Professor N. Ruparelia Consultant Cardiologist discusses what to possibly expect when recovering from an angioplasty.
dr Neil RupareliaAngioplastyIn this playlist Professor Neil Ruparelia Consultant Cardiologist discusses what a angioplasty is, risks associated, what its use is in treatment of coronary disease and what to expect when recovering from an angioplasty procedure.6
dr Neil Rupareliain Coronary Artery Disease Communityhttps://health-shared.com/stories/what-complications-are-associated-with-coronary-artery-disease-0410What complications are associated with coronary artery disease?dr Neil RupareliaHere Professor N. Ruparelia discusses the complications associated with acute plaque rupture with progressive coronary artery disease and the aims of therapy.
What complications are associated with coronary artery disease?dr Neil RupareliaHere Professor N. Ruparelia discusses the complications associated with acute plaque rupture with progressive coronary artery disease and the aims of therapy.