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mrs Ellie Lindsay OBEmrs Ellie Lindsay OBE

A social approach to lower limb care at Weymouth Leg Club

Leg Clubs have paved the way in developing a psychosocial model of holistic wound care based on empathy, education, social and peer support, empowering the whole person through social interaction as part of the therapeutic journey. Leg Clubs see people with wounds and people with healthy legs requesting assessment. Once someone has been registered at a Leg Club, they are members for life, in either the Treatment Regime (receiving treatment) or the Well Leg Regime (receiving advice and preventative maintenance and a broad scale of education and health promotion). The ‘Well Leg’ programme at the Leg Club is an integral part of the social model and is aimed at the members’ (patients) mental and physical well-being, health education, advice, maintenance and prevention of further leg-related problem once an ulcer has healed. Members that have healed and wish to remain healed at- tend on a regular three / six monthly basis for a full reassessment, sup- port and advice. Members of the Leg Clubs can rely on a safe venue where their physical, psychological and so- cial needs will be met within a social model of care.

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