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Anal fissure

prof. Usman Jafferprof. Usman Jaffer

Treating and preventing anal fissures Most cases heal without taking any medication or surgical procedure within weeks how ever in some cases the symptoms can persists for as far as six weeks in which case the condition is called chronic anal fissures. Such condition requires proper checkup and a professional advice on the treatment options. The treatment options includes Home Remedies: For avoiding constipation include: • plenty of fiber in your diet, such as fruit and vegetables and whole meal bread, pasta and rice – adults should aim to eat at least 30g of fiber a day • staying well hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids • not ignoring the urge to poo – this can cause your poo to dry out and become harder to pass • exercising regularly – you should aim to do at least 150 minutes of physical activity every week Over the counter medication like paracetamole and ibuprofen can be taken to avoid pain. Stiz bath a practice of soaking the affected area especially after bowel movement in warm bath helps sooth pain and promote the healing process. There are a number of different medicines your GP may recommend to help reduce your symptoms and allow your anal fissure to heal. Laxatives These are the medication that helps in smooth passage of feces. Two types of laxatives are used In adults bulk forming laxatives are preferred that increase the bulk of the feces that retain more water and make it smooth and easy to pass. In children preferred laxative is osmotic laxative available in sachets that increase the water content of the feces and helps in easy passage of stool. Painkillers Prolong pain can be relieved by taking medication like paracetamole and ibuprofen as prescribed by the doctor Glyceryl trinitrate Glycerol trinitrate otherwise known as GTN is used in cram formulation and is applied on the affected area 5-6 times a day in minute amount. It works by expanding the vessels increasing blood supply to the fissure increasing healing and also relaxs anal canal mscle to ease passage of feces. A treatment of minimum of 7 weeks is required for proper healing. Most common side effect is headache and light headidness which usulayy leads to non compliacnce therefore applying small quantites of pea size in more divided dose is preffered over large quanties in two divided doses. If the effects become sintolerable reduce the amount until the symptoms settle. Topical anesthetics Topical anesthetics like lidocain are applied on the affected area to reduce pain in severe cases. It has no role in fissure healing however it helps sooth pain. Must be applied for at least 2 weeks by that time most issures begins to heal Calcium channel blockers A medication used mostly to treat high blood pressure can be used topically to treat anal fissures just like GTN they can be applied to the affected area, increasing blood supply and relaxing anal spincter thus helps releing pain and improves healing. Must be used for 6 week as in case of GTN cream. Mostly prescribe in case not responding to other treatment option Botulinum toxin injections Relativel new treatment option invovinfg injesting small quantity iof botlinum toxin at the site fissure that paralyse the anal spincter relaxes smooth muscle that relieve pressure and help in healing of fissureas well as relieve pain.botulinum is apowert fll toxin that can be sued in small amount in case of fiisure under proper setup. It is as effective as GTN cream and effects last for 2-3 months which are enough for fissures to heal Follow-up Few weeks after the use a medication a vist to the doctor is nesscary to acess the condition iof the fissure if they are healing follw up again after few weeks how ever I the medical treatment fails to resolves ulcers in 8 weeks, surgical specialist help is advised i.e a colorectal surgeon

Surgery: Surgery may be recommended if other treatments haven't worked. It is generally considered to be the most effective treatment for anal fissures, with more than 90% of people experiencing good long-term results. However, it does carry a small risk of complication. Lateral sphincterotomy: A lateral sphincterotomy involves making a small cut in the ring of muscle surrounding the anal canal (sphincter) to help reduce the tension in your anal canal. This allows the anal fissure to heal and reduces your chances of developing any more fissures. It is a short and relatively straightforward operation that's usually carried out under a general anaesthetic on a day patient basis. This means you'll be asleep while the procedure is carried out, but you won't usually have to spend the night in hospital. A lateral sphincterotomy is 1 of the most effective treatments for anal fissures, with a good track record of success. Most people will fully heal within 2 to 4 weeks.Less than 1 in 20 people who have this type of surgery will experience some temporary loss of bowel control (bowel incontinence) afterwards as a result of damage to the anal muscles.However, this is usually a mild type of incontinence where the person is unable to prevent passing wind, and usually only lasts a few weeks.[5] Fissurectomy: Mainly of two type simple and chemical fisurectomy Simple fisssurectomy is a procedure involving removing the scarred superificia;l skin around the anal fissure and excision of any sentinel pile if present … the resulting wound can be left open or closed primarly depending on the overall condtion of the wound There are reports that fissurectomy with combination of botulinum injection has a 93% healing rate, with temporary incontinence rate of approximately 7%. [1] Combination of fissurectomy with lateral shicterotomy is discouraged because of higher rate of fecal incontinence Chemical fissurectomy is process of injecting botulinum toxin as mentioned earlier. Published techniques involve injection dosages that range from 10 to 100 units. Healing rates have varied in the literature, from 67.5% to over 90%, according to a 2012 Cochrane review. [2] Recurrence rates after botulinum toxin treatment are high, and range from 40% to over 50% at 1 year. Incontinence and flatus are common after the procedure; however, they spontaneously resolve in all patients. [3] In comparison with other topical treatments (eg, nitroglycerin), botulinum yields similar results with a lower incidence of adverse events. [4] Advancement anal flaps Advancement anal flaps involve taking healthy tissue from another part of your body and using it to repair the fissure and improving the blood supply to the site of the fissure. This procedure may be recommended to treat long-term (chronic) anal fissures caused by pregnancy or an injury to the anal canal.[5] Complications Complication of fissures surgery depends upon the level of expertise and the type of surgical procedure used as mentioned above includes • Bleeding from the surgical site • Infection preceding the surgical procedure, these requires empirical antibiotic coverage • Fecal in continence • Fissure reoccurrence. • Hemorrhoid tissue prolapsed.

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prof. Usman Jafferprof. Usman Jaffer


Hemorrhoids or piles are swelling inside rectum or around the anus, lower parts of your digestive system, containing engorged blood vessels. (Veins) Mostly asymptomatic but when symptoms occur they include: 1. bleeding after passing a stool – the blood is usually bright red 2. itchy bottom 3. a lump hanging down outside of the anus, which may need to be pushed back in after passing a stool 4. a mucus discharge after passing a stool 5. soreness, redness and swelling around your anus These lumps are usually painless unless there blood supply is severely compromised Causes Although cause is unclear, but there is association of in blood pressure in vessels in and around the anus, when the pressure increases it cause the vessels to swell and inflamed. Most important cause of such high pressure is prolong constipation. Long term diarrhea can also increase the chances of getting hemorrhoid. Other risk factors includes 1. obesity 2. age – with advancing age body supporting tissue gets weaker resulting in hemorrhoids 3. Pregnancy – pregnancy its self exert pressure on the pelvic blood vessels thus causing them to engorge and inflamed resulting in piles 4. Family history 5. Strenuous exercises like weight lifting etc 6. persistent cough or repeated vomiting 7. prolonged sitting position Prevention of hemorrhoids Hall mark of the preventing hemorrhoids is to reduce the risk factor causing it for example pregnancy related hemorrhoid mostly gets resolved after delivery. Life style modification also reduces stress on the vessels and prevents hemorrhoids. These includes These can include: 1. increase the fiber content of food by using fruits, vegetables, whole grain rice whole wheat pasta and bread pulses beans nuts and oats 2. drinking plenty of fluids but avoiding caffeine and alcohol 3. avoid resisting the urge to defecate as it makes stool hard and then inturns exert pressure during passage through anus 4. avoiding medication causing constipation like painkillers containing codeine 5. losing weight 6. regular exercise These measures reduce the risk of having hemorrhoids treatment options are discussed below in case of severe or complicated cases. Diagnosis: Based completely on history and clinical examination. History includes inquiry about symptoms mentioned above and bowl habits and stool consistency. Examination is of two types 1. Digital Rectal Examination (DRE): using finger to feel any abnormalities in the anal canal or rectum. 2. proctoscopy: a proctoscope is a thin hollow tube with light at the end to visualize the entire anal canal. Types of hemorrhoids : Depending on location: 1. Internal hemorrhoids: in the upper 2/3 of the anal canal usually painless 2. External hemorrhoids : in the lower 1/3 of the anal canal near anus … usually painful Depending on size and severity: 1. First degree: small inside swelling of the anal lining not visible from outside 2. Second degree: slightly large swelling that come out on straining (usually defecting) and goes back it self 3. Third degree: one or more swelling that hand down from anus and can be pushed back manually(reducible) 4. Fourth degree: large lumps that can’t be pushed back ( irreducible).

prof. Usman Jafferprof. Usman Jaffer

Anal Fistula

Treatment of anal fistula: A fistula without symptoms found on regular check up usually requires no therapy . [3,4] In case of anorectal abscess surgery for fistula repair should not be performed (unless the fistula is superficial and the tract is obvious). In the acute phase, simple incision and drainage of the abscess are sufficient. [5] Only 7-40% of patients will develop a fistula. Recurrent anal sepsis and fistula formation are twofold higher after an abscess in patients younger than 40 years and are almost threefold higher in non diabetics. Preoperative considerations include the following: • Rectal irrigation with enemas should be performed on the morning of the operation • Anesthesia can be general, local with intravenous sedation, or a regional block • Administer preoperative antibiotics Intraoperative considerations include the following: • Examine the patient under anesthesia to confirm the extent of the fistula • Identifying the internal opening (inside the anus) to prevent recurrence is imperative • A local anesthetic block at the end of the procedure provides postoperative analgesia Fistulotomy: The laying-open technique (fistulotomy) is useful for 85-95% of primary fistulas (ie, submucosal, intersphincteric, and low transsphincteric). [6, 7, 8, 9] The most common type of surgery for anal fistulas is a fistulotomy. This involves cutting along the whole length of the fistula to open it up so it heals as a flat scar.A fistulotomy is the most effective treatment for many anal fistulas, although it's usually only suitable for fistulas that don't pass through much of the sphincter muscles, as the risk of incontinence is lowest in these cases. If your surgeon has to cut a small portion of anal sphincter muscle during the procedure, they will make every attempt to reduce the risk of incontinence.In cases where the risk of incontinence is considered too high, one of the procedures below may be recommended instead. Seton techniques: If your fistula passes through a significant portion of anal sphincter muscle, your surgeon may initially recommend inserting a seton. A seton is a piece of surgical thread that is left in the fistula for several weeks to keep it open. This allows it to drain and helps it heal, while avoiding the need to cut the sphincter muscles. Loose setons allow fistulas to drain, but don't cure them. To cure a fistula, tighter setons may be used to cut through the fistula slowly. This may require several procedures that your surgeon can discuss with you. Seton Placement: A seton can be placed alone, combined with fistulotomy, or in a staged fashion. This technique is useful in patients with the following conditions [10, 11, 12] : • Complex fistulas (ie, high transsphincteric, suprasphincteric, extrasphincteric) or multiple fistulas • Recurrent fistulas after previous fistulotomy • Anterior fistulas in female patients • Poor preoperative sphincter pressures • Patients with Crohn disease or patients who are immunosuppressed Single-stage seton (cutting): Pass the seton through the fistula tract around the deep external sphincter after opening the skin, subcutaneous tissue, internal sphincter muscle, and subcutaneous external sphincter muscle. The seton is tightened down and secured with a separate silk tie. With time, fibrosis occurs above the seton as it gradually cuts through the sphincter muscles and essentially exteriorizes the tract. The seton is tightened on subsequent office visits until it is pulled through over 6-8 weeks. A cutting seton can also be used without associated fistulotomy. Recurrence and incontinence are important factors to consider when this technique is employed. The success rates for cutting setons range from 82-100%; however, long-term incontinence rates can exceed 30%. [13,14, 15] Two-stage seton (draining/fibrosing): Pass the seton around the deep portion of the external sphincter after opening the skin, subcutaneous tissue, internal sphincter muscle, and subcutaneous external sphincter muscle. Unlike the cutting seton, the seton is left loose to drain the intersphincteric space and to promote fibrosis in the deep sphincter muscle. Once the superficial wound is healed completely (2-3 months later), the seton-bound sphincter muscle is divided. Two studies (74 patients combined) supported the two-stage approach with a 0-nylon seton. Once wound healing is complete, the seton is removed without division of the remaining encircled deep external sphincter muscle. The researchers reported eradication of the fistula tract in 60-78% of cases. Mucosal Advancement Flap: A mucosal advancement flap is reserved for use in patients with chronic high fistula but is indicated for the same disease process as seton use. [1,16, 17] Advantages include a one-stage procedure with no additional sphincter damage. A disadvantage is poor success in patients with Crohn disease or acute infection. This procedure involves total fistulectomy, with removal of the primary and secondary tracts and completes excision of the internal opening. A rectal mucomuscular flap with a wide proximal base (two times the apex width) is raised. The internal muscle defect is closed with an absorbable suture, and the flap is sewn down over the internal opening so that its suture line does not overlap the muscular repair. Plugs and Adhesives: Advances in biotechnology have led to the development of many new tissue adhesives and biomaterials formed as fistula plugs. By their less-invasive nature, these therapies lead to decreased postoperative morbidity and risk of incontinence, but long-term data are lacking for eradication of disease, especially in complex fistulas, which carry high recurrence rates. [18, 19, 17] Reported series exist of fibrin glue treatment of fistula-in-ano, with 1-year follow-up showing recurrence rates approaching 40-80%. [20, 21,22] The Surgisis fistula plug has also had mixed long-term results in direct clinical trials. [23, 24, 25] Early success rates have been reported for newer materials, such as acellular dermal matrix and the bioabsorbable Gore Bio-A fistula plug, in low fistulas and good animal model data. [26] Assessment of long-term success rates with plug techniques for complex disease will be based on further data from randomized trials. In a randomized, controlled study designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the anal fistula plug in patients with fistulizing anoperineal Crohn disease, Senéjoux et al did not find the plug to be superior to seton removal for achieving fistual closure, regardless of whether the fistula was simple or complex. [27] A combined sphincter-sparing repair that includes both an anal fistula plug and a rectal advancement flap has been proposed for the treatment of transsphincteric fistula-in-ano. [28] LIFT Procedure: Ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) is a sphincter-sparing procedure for complex transsphincteric fistulas first described in 2007. It is performed by accessing the intersphincteric plane with the goal of performing a secure closure of the internal opening and by removing the infected cryptoglandular tissue. [29] The intersphincteric tract is identified and isolated by performing meticulous dissection through the intersphincteric plane after making a small incision overlying the probe connecting the external and internal openings. Once isolated, the intersphincteric tract is hooked with a small right-angle clamp, and the tract is ligated close to the internal sphincter and then divided distal to the point of ligation. Hydrogen peroxide is injected through the external opening to confirm the division of the correct tract. The external opening and the remnant fistulous tract are curetted to the level of the proximity of the external sphincter complex. Finally, the intersphincteric incision is loosely reapproximated with an absorbable suture. The curettaged wound is left opened for dressing.[29,30,31] Because of its relative novelty, LIFT has not been extensively researched. In a randomized trial of 39 patients with complex fistula-in-ano who had failed previous procedures and were treated with LIFT technique, success rates were comparable to those seen with the anorectal advancement flap technique. [32] The probability of recurrence at 19 months was 8% for the LIFT technique versus 7% for the anorectal advancement flap. Time to return to work was shorter in the LIFT group (1 vs 2 wk), but there was no difference in incontinence scores. [32] Further randomized surgical trials are needed to determine whether this technique is a viable—or, possibly, a better—alternative to the other previously mentioned procedures for the treatment of fistula-in-ano. Diversion: In rare cases, the creation of a diverting stoma may be indicated to facilitate the treatment of a complex persistent fistula-in-ano. The most common indications include, but are not limited to, patients with perineal necrotizing fasciitis, severe anorectal Crohn disease, reoperative rectovaginal fistulas, and radiation-induced fistulas. Fecal diversion alone is effective in these select patients to control sepsis and symptoms; however, long-term success rates after reanastomosis are low because of recurrence from the underlying disease. Thus, this approach should be avoided unless the underlying fistula-in-ano disease process is repaired or has healed completely, which is unlikely. Postoperative Care: After the operation, most patients can be treated in an ambulatory setting with discharge instructions and close follow-up care. Sitz baths, analgesics, and stool-bulking agents (eg, bran and psyllium products) are used in follow-up care. Complications: Early postoperative complications may include the following: • Urinary retention • Bleeding • Fecal impaction • Thrombosed hemorrhoids Delayed postoperative complications may include the following: • Recurrence • Incontinence (stool) • Anal stenosis - The healing process causes fibrosis of the anal canal; bulking agents for stool help to prevent narrowing • Delayed wound healing - Complete healing occurs by 12 weeks unless an underlying disease process is present (ie, recurrence, Crohn disease) Postoperative rates of recurrence and incontinence vary according to the procedure performed, as follows: • Standard fistulotomy - The reported rate of recurrence is 0-18%, and the rate of any stool incontinence is 3-7% • Seton use - The reported rate of recurrence is 0-17%, and the rate of any incontinence of stool is 0-17% • Mucosal advancement flap - The reported rate of recurrence is 1-17%, and the rate of any incontinence of stool is 6-8% [16] Long-Term Monitoring: Frequent office visits within the first few weeks help to ensure proper healing and wound care. It is important to ensure that the internal wound does not close prematurely, causing a recurrent fistula. Digital examination findings can help distinguish early fibrosis. Wound healing usually occurs within 6 weeks.

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Chest pain

prof. Usman Jafferprof. Usman Jaffer


prof. Usman Jafferprof. Usman Jaffer

Ankle Arthroscopy

Indication: this procedure is used for diagnosis as well as theraputic purpose thus indication is divided into Diagnostic indication: 1) Pain, swelling, stiffness, instability of the ankel joint that remain unexplained. 2) locking and popping symptoms of ankle joint Therapeutic Indication: 1) articular or soft tissue injury. 2) soft tissue or bone impingement and instability. 3) Inflammation of lining membranes of the joint(Synovitis). 4) inflammation of tendons (tendinitis) 5) Joint infection (septic arthritis) 6) Surgical immobilization of joint (arthrodesis) 7) Adhesion inside joints (intra articular bands) Contraindication: Absolute contraindication: 1) Active local soft tissue infection. 2) Severe degenerative (Wear & tear) joint disease. 3) Poor vascular supply the leg. Relative Contraindication: 1) Moderate degenerative (wear and tear) joint disease. 2) Severe Edema (swelling). Procedure: it is usually performe when conservative measurement fails to treat the underlying condition.These includes use of pain medication like (NSAIDS), Ankle braces, heel lift or wedge Patient preparation involve history examination and blood test including CBC(complet blood count) with ESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) , C-reactive protein (CRP), coagulation profile , in case of infection joint aspiration is done for culture and sensitivity, radiological investigation like X-ray, Ct-scan and MRI. After proper analgesia and anesthesia either local or Regional, a blood less field is achieved by the use of the tourniquet just above the ankle or by using high inflow out flow system that also improve visualization and irrigate the debris material.Small incisions are then made for portals, which are small tubes which are placed in different area around ankle for the instruments and camera to be placed in. after that the surgeon the perform the procedure like removal of inflamed synovial membranes and debris after ankle joint soft tissue or bone injury. at the end the portals and instruments are removed and the small incisions are stitched closed and bandaged. After procedure depending upon the patient condition and surgeons choice some are allowed to bear weight with crutches while others may be placed in an immobilizer for as long as six weeks.In case of extensive surgery or remodeling ankle is put in cast to prevent early mobilization and promote healing and if arthroscopy is performed only for diagnostic purpose simple splint is enough.

prof. Usman Jafferprof. Usman Jaffer

Leg Oedema/ Swelling