Varicose Veins Surgery experiencesSuccessful endovenous ablation of varicose veinsprof. Usman JafferLong Saphenous vein Endovenous Ablation of Long Saphenous Veinprof. Usman JafferEndovenous ablation of varicose veinsprof. Usman JafferEndovenous ablation of varicose veinsprof. Usman JafferEndovenous ablation of varicose veinsprof. Usman JafferThrombophlebitis following endovenous ablation of varicose veinsprof. Usman Jafferprof. Usman JafferSuccessful endovenous ablation of varicose veinsThis lady describes her experience of venous ablation surgery for varicose veins