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A community sharing some of the values and hopes health-shared represents. Health information from both lived experiences as well as from healthcare providers. Partnership with all stakeholders in the healthcare journey. An unbiased and wide spectrum view of options and possible outcomes. Communities of Practice (CoP) sharing, supporting and improving healthcare. Wellness as well as illness.
A community sharing some of the values and hopes health-shared represents. Health information from both lived experiences as well as from healthcare providers. Partnership with all stakeholders in the healthcare journey. An unbiased and wide spectrum view of options and possible outcomes. Communities of Practice (CoP) sharing, supporting and improving healthcare. Wellness as well as illness.
A community sharing some of the values and hopes health-shared represents. Health information from both lived experiences as well as from healthcare providers. Partnership with all stakeholders in the healthcare journey. An unbiased and wide spectrum view of options and possible outcomes. Communities of Practice (CoP) sharing, supporting and improving healthcare. Wellness as well as illness.