Health Shared Prehab OfficialFitness assessments before surgeryPre-operative assessment clinics assess how quickly your body can deal with stress in the case of a surgery and CT scans of the lungs help assess lung function.
Health Shared Prehab OfficialArm circles seated exerciseMs. Roberts shows us how to perform arm circle seated exercise.
Health Shared Prehab OfficialAssessments of fitness for surgery - Continuing CareHere you can learn about continuing care such as continued exercise and maintaining a healthy diet.0
Health Shared Prehab OfficialSurgical Journey & Physical Exercise - LearningHere you can learn about importance of physical exercise.5
Health Shared Prehab OfficialMedical optimization for prehab - Continuing CareHere you can learn about the importance of continuing smoking cessation and good blood sugar control during rehab.2