mr Shahzad RajaCan coronary artery disease be fatal?Mr Raja Consultant Cardiac Surgeon answers whether coronary artery disease is fatal and what to do when presented with symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath.
mr Shahzad RajaAortic Valve Disease (AVD)This playlist compiles videos discussing popular themes around aortic valve disease. Themes includes symptoms, diagnosis, possible treatments, types of valves available, and how quality of life can be impacted after a procedure.12
mr Shahzad Rajain Coronary Artery Disease Community is coronary artery disease?mr Shahzad RajaMr Raja Consultant Cardiac Surgeon discusses what coronary artery disease is and what symptoms are most commonly associated with it.
What is coronary artery disease?mr Shahzad RajaMr Raja Consultant Cardiac Surgeon discusses what coronary artery disease is and what symptoms are most commonly associated with it.
mr Shahzad Rajain Coronary Artery Disease Community Artery Disease (CAD)mr Shahzad RajaThis playlist compiles videos discussing popular themes about coronary artery disease. Themes included are symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, recovery, and lifestyle changes associated with prevention.11
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)mr Shahzad RajaThis playlist compiles videos discussing popular themes about coronary artery disease. Themes included are symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, recovery, and lifestyle changes associated with prevention.11
mr Shahzad RajaDo you need to be put on bypass for an aortic valve repair?Mr Raja Consultant Cardiac Surgeon answers the question whether a bypass machine will be used when undergoing open aortic surgery.