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At this time of the year what's the one thing that concerns you most about your Diabetes?
motivationphysical activitydiabetes managementmental healthcommunity supportfeeling tiredblood glucose levelslow mooddiabetesprofessional support

At this time of the year what's the one thing that concerns you most about your Diabetes?

Winter can bring with it a few more trials and tribulations when it comes to diabetes and many of our community often stop to think about these things as winter approaches. Having concerns is not a bad thing at all as it means you can start to find ways to improve the situation, and here our health-shared community share what their top most worries are. Diabetes is one of those medical conditions that can effect so many of the body’s organs but there are other lifestyle changes that can help reduce the risks that you have just heard about. This fortnight health-shared in the diabetes community is going to concentrate on smoking cessation. We appreciate that stopping smoking is no easy task but understanding what the benefits will be and talking to others who have faced this challenge in our community is a support structure that increases the likelihood of success.

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