dr Sheharyar Qureshiin Metabolic Health Communityhttps://health-shared.com/playlists/WTlrh2GzsgAGzatglcc8Treatments for Diabetesdr Sheharyar QureshiThis playlist includes information about the different types of therapies available to individuals with different types of diabetes.7
Treatments for Diabetesdr Sheharyar QureshiThis playlist includes information about the different types of therapies available to individuals with different types of diabetes.7
dr Sheharyar Qureshiin Metabolic Health Communityhttps://health-shared.com/stories/what-are-the-risks-of-undiagnosed-neuropathy-0543What are the risks of undiagnosed neuropathy?dr Sheharyar QureshiHere Dr Qureshi, Consultant Endocrinologist, discusses the risks associated with undiagnosed neuropathies.
What are the risks of undiagnosed neuropathy?dr Sheharyar QureshiHere Dr Qureshi, Consultant Endocrinologist, discusses the risks associated with undiagnosed neuropathies.
dr Sheharyar Qureshiin Metabolic Health Communityhttps://health-shared.com/stories/what-are-the-different-types-of-diabetes-and-how-are-they-0864What are the different types of diabetes and how are they different?dr Sheharyar QureshiHere Dr Qureshi, Consultant Endocrinologist, discusses the different types of diabetes and how they vary in presentation and needs.
What are the different types of diabetes and how are they different?dr Sheharyar QureshiHere Dr Qureshi, Consultant Endocrinologist, discusses the different types of diabetes and how they vary in presentation and needs.
dr Sheharyar Qureshiin Metabolic Health Communityhttps://health-shared.com/stories/are-insulin-pumps-waterproof-0093Are insulin pumps waterproof?dr Sheharyar QureshiHere Dr Qureshi, Consultant Endocrinologist, discuss the contrast in insulin pumps available and which are waterproof to suit the needs of individual activities. Please check with your healthcare professional to determine which models are available as waterproof.
Are insulin pumps waterproof?dr Sheharyar QureshiHere Dr Qureshi, Consultant Endocrinologist, discuss the contrast in insulin pumps available and which are waterproof to suit the needs of individual activities. Please check with your healthcare professional to determine which models are available as waterproof.
dr Sheharyar Qureshiin Metabolic Health Communityhttps://health-shared.com/stories/is-there-a-device-that-combines-insulin-therapy-and-continuous-0679Is there a device that combines insulin therapy and continuous glucose monitoring?dr Sheharyar QureshiHere Dr Qureshi, Consultant Endocrinologist, discusses compatible devices for the use of insulin pump therapy and continuous glucose monitoring.
Is there a device that combines insulin therapy and continuous glucose monitoring?dr Sheharyar QureshiHere Dr Qureshi, Consultant Endocrinologist, discusses compatible devices for the use of insulin pump therapy and continuous glucose monitoring.