Dr Francesco Lo MonacoWell person screening checks for thr heartDr Lo Monaco explains why people have screening checks for their heart health and what it may involve.
Dr Francesco Lo MonacoWhat is a Stress Echocardiography test?Dr Lo Monaco explains what a stress echocardiogram is and how it’s done.
Dr Francesco Lo MonacoWhen should we be concerned about palpitations?Dr Lo Monaco talks about palpitations and what features to look out for.
Dr Francesco Lo MonacoWhat are thr potential outcomes from a Stress Echo test?Dr Lo Monaco explains what the potential outcomes may be following a stress echo test being done.
Dr Francesco Lo MonacoHow cardiologists decide if chest pain is likey to be due to a heart problem?Dr Lo Monaco talks about how cardiologist figure out if pain in the chest is due to a heart problem or from a non related issue.