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Podcast Episode 37: Bulging blood vessels on the temples

Listen to Prof Mark Whiteley MS FRCS(Gen) FCPhleb. Consultant Venous Surgeon and Consultant Phlebologist and Executive Chairman of The Whiteley Clinic. Many people suffer from bulging blood vessels on their temples, particularly after exercise or when they are warm. These boarding blood vessels might be veins or they might be arteries. This podcast explains the difference between the two, and explains new procedures that are now available for veins that are too large for traditional treatments, and arteries that are usually deemed as "untreatable". Prof Mark Whiteley is a Consultant Venous Surgeon who has become well known in the venous world as an innovator. He was the first surgeon in the UK to perform the new endovenous treatments for varicose veins, and has been at the forefront in the world developing treatments for pelvic congestion syndrome, varicose veins and venous leg ulcers. He has now started developing treatments for cosmetically prominent veins on the face, hands and breasts. Mark founded The Whiteley Clinic in 2001 to be a centre of excellence for the treatment of venous condition.

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