Dr Richard GibbsAortic aneurysm repairMr Gibbs - Vascular Consultant at Imperial College - talks about choices regarding options of treatment of aortic aneurysm repair.
Dr Richard GibbsWhat is the length of the stay in hospital after aneurysm repair?Mr Gibbs talks to Mr Jaffer about the importance of length of stay in hospital after aneurysm repair in deciding whether to opt for endovascular (keyhole) repair or open surgery. With endovascular repair, a lot of patients can expect to be in hospital for about one to two days. But for open repair, because this is a much larger operation, this would need at least one day in intensive care or high dependency units, and another few days in hospital. But it is important to weigh this up against the longer term outcomes of durability, which tend to favour open repair.
Dr Richard GibbsWhat factors would predict a long term successful EVAR?Mr Gibbs talks to Mr Jaffer about if we can predict whether EVAR (keyhole repair) is likely to be successful or not in which patients. It appears to be the key factor is poor or complex anatomy (configuration) of the aorta, which can lead to higher rates of leakage or slippage of the graft. This is important to consider with your clinician.
Dr Richard GibbsEnovascular abdominal aneurysm repair (EVAR)Mr Gibbs - Vascular Consultant at Imperial College - explains minimally invasive treatment of AAA.
Dr Richard GibbsEVAR surgery The interview discusses the endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) technique, its history, procedure, benefits, complications, and long-term surveillance requirements.