Dr Sukhjinder NijjerTablets you’ll need to take after coronary stentingVideo about what tablets you will need to take and for how long after having coronary artery stenting done.
Dr Sukhjinder NijjerWalk through of the cardiac cath lab at West Middlesex HospitalA video walk through of the coronary catheter laboratory at West Middlesex Hospital, Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust. Dr Nijjer describes the environment of the Cardiac Catheter Lab. It can be a frightening thought when you are going to have an angiogram procedure, but Dr Nijjer will explain what the room will look like and what the procedure involves. Knowing more about the procedure will help you feel calmer and more relaxed when it comes to having the procedure.
Dr Sukhjinder NijjerComplications as a result of PCIIn this video, Dr Nijjar talks about the relatives risk of PCI for angina versus if having a heart attack. He also talk about the types of complication which could potentially happen.
Dr Sukhjinder NijjerWhat is clopidogrel?Dr Sukhjinder Nijjer explains what the medication clopidogrel is.
Dr Sukhjinder NijjerIs it better to have a PCI or a bypass operation for coronary artery disease?Dr. Nijjer discusses in general terms the reason why a patient may decide to have a percutaneous intervention (PCI) or open coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. The decision for either treatment option is complex and can involve many factors. Patient factors such as the presence of diabetes or prior stroke or heart damage can be important. Technical factors involving the number of stents needed or the complexity of the procedure are also important. Finally, the decision can be shared between the patient, the Cardiologist and the Cardiothoracic Surgeons.