Ankur ThaparDifferences between venous and arterial foot ulcers.This video discusses the differences in foot ulcers, in combination with associated complications due to arterial and peripheral neural compromise.
Ankur Thaparin Diabetic foot community diabetic foot ulcers preventable?Ankur ThaparThis video discusses the preventative measures individuals can access to reduce the manifestation of ulcers and infection associated with diabetes.
Are diabetic foot ulcers preventable?Ankur ThaparThis video discusses the preventative measures individuals can access to reduce the manifestation of ulcers and infection associated with diabetes.
Ankur Thaparin Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Treatment and Rupture OutcomesAnkur ThaparHere Mr Thapar discusses the threshold for size of aneurysms that will qualify for treatment, the types of treatment offered, what happens when an aneurysm ruptures, and whether they are curable.
Aneurysm Treatment and Rupture OutcomesAnkur ThaparHere Mr Thapar discusses the threshold for size of aneurysms that will qualify for treatment, the types of treatment offered, what happens when an aneurysm ruptures, and whether they are curable.
Ankur ThaparAbdominal Aortic AneurysmThis playlist compiles videos discussing abdominal aortic aneurysms.4
Ankur Thaparin Diabetic foot community diabetic foot ulcers painful?Ankur ThaparThis video discusses the different types of diabetic foot ulcer whilst addressing the concerns of pain.
Are diabetic foot ulcers painful?Ankur ThaparThis video discusses the different types of diabetic foot ulcer whilst addressing the concerns of pain.