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mr Adam Alderson

I’m a confident, accomplished speaker, sharing the incredible story of my terminal diagnosis, preparing for death and begging for surgery that I survived, against all odds, and my life since. Now, I’m passionate about showing people how precious every day is, how the body and mind can endure incredible things, and how the spirit of adventure can be a driving force in life. Audiences from medical professionals to school children are inspired by my story from the edge of life, and what I know now about making the very most of every chance to really live with passion, honesty and courage. I’m cherishing my second life. Most of you will only get one chance – let me tell you what I know… In 2015, I became the first person in the world to survive a rare cancer – Pseudomyxoma Peritonei – and the gruelling eight-organ visceral transplant and radical tumour de-bulking surgery it took to cure. The year before, I had been preparing to die. I was in a hospice and saying my goodbyes, at 36 years old. But I knew it was not time for me to go and I pleaded with surgeons to attempt an operation that until then, had been attempted only a handful of times, succeeding in just four cases but never to treat my illness. Everything – our lives and careers in Australia and all we wanted for the future – had been turned upside down by the diagnosis, and my illness and treatment took me to the very edge of my own life. Somehow, determination, the support of my wife Laura, the incredible work of my surgical and clinical teams, and my own Yorkshire grit and instinct to survive have given me another chance. Today, what I love most is sharing what I learned from seeing the end of life loom large, and turning back knowing more than ever, how precious it is, and how strong the will to endure. I believe in the power of adventure to show us what we really are and what we can achieve – experiences like the Mongol Rally and Monkey Bike Challenge have pushed me so hard, but have shown me that life as a multiple organ transplant survivor, can be rich, full and exciting. And I don’t just want to give hope to those awaiting or recovering from transplants – I want to tell everyone that if I can do it, anyone can. In the years following my illness, terminal diagnosis and incredible life-saving operation, I’ve shared my story hundreds of times in the hope that it will inspire anyone in difficulty, in a rut, facing illness and doubting their own capacity to get through. I’ve spoken to as many medical professionals about how they too must be resilient and bold, trust in themselves, be ambitious for patients and push the boundaries, if they are going to achieve everything they can with their incredible skills. Speaking engagements to date include Teesside and York Universities, International Nurse of the Year Awards, numerous cancer medical and healthcare conferences, NHS conferences, charity events and membership gatherings. TV appearances include BBC News (national) and BBC Look North, BBC Sunday Morning Live and Quest Supertruckers – we are currently working on a documentary with Channel Four. These experiences show me how powerful and compelling my story is, which fuels me. Today, I’m an experienced, comfortable speaker, instinctive and down to earth in delivery, eloquent and engaging, candid about my experience as a patient, survivor and adventurer and passionate about inspiring my audiences to reflect on and change their lives, something I’m very often told I’ve achieved. Now 6 years on I am focused and devoted to working with patients, medical professionals and pharma companies to create a better patient to doctor network. My vision is by working with patients so we can know more about patient needs, we can share our knowledge with the medical sector working together to give clear factual information, the right team for the patient and an established point of contact. By networking we can help patient families know the challenges ahead from our own experiences, collaborating with Heath - shared has enabled me to do what I want the most " help other".