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Astigmatism, along with short sight and long sight, is a common cause of blurry vision. It's usually corrected with glasses or contact lenses.

What is astigmatism?

Astigmatism means your eye is shaped more like a rugby ball than a football, so light is focused at more than one place in the eye.

This can cause:

  • blurred vision
  • headaches
  • eye strain (you may notice this after concentrating for a long time – on a computer, for example)

Astigmatism normally occurs alongside short sight or long sight.

In young children, a high astigmatism may cause lazy eye. It's important this is spotted early so it can be treated.

Take your child for regular eye tests – astigmatism, as well as short sight or long sight, may affect their reading or concentration.

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What you can do for astigmatism

If astigmatism is affecting your eyesight, there are several ways to correct it.

Ways to correct astigmatismProsCons
Glassesthe cheapest option; may be available free or discounted on the NHScould get lost or broken
Contact lenseschoice of soft or hard types; preferred by active people; may be free or discounted on the NHSmay not be suitable for everyone; risk of eye infection through poor contact lens hygiene
Laser eye or lens surgerymay be permanent; may be better for people with more severe vision problemsrisk of complications during or after surgery; not available on the NHS; can be expensive; some side effects

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