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What qualities help you overcome the challenges you face (which ones are concerning to you at this time)?
diabetes managementwinter challengesillnessexercisedietsmoking cessationcommunity supportconcernsimprovementillness managementbad habitshealthy lifestyledisciplinephysical activitydiet controlsmoking cessationcommunity support

What qualities help you overcome the challenges you face (which ones are concerning to you at this time)?

Winter is full of ups, many festivals both religious and non-religious are during these months and we overindulge. We get invited to parties and our lives are often in flux. This affects us all differently and sets up challenges that we need to adjust to, which adds to the anxieties and concerns when you have a medical condition like diabetes, hear what some of these worries are for our health-shared community. Whatever your worries, there is someone who has been there before and hearing their story can give you some peace of mind. Overindulgence is part of the human frailty and something we all have battles with, because it brings with it feelings of guilt, annoyance, and sometimes depression. Alcohol is sometimes one of those excesses at this time of year. It is important to understand how much it effects your diabetes and how to manage and treat yourself. The health-shared diabetes community shares with you their stories and you can join the conversation.

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