mr Matthias Trennerin Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) catheter for EVAR Matthias TrennerConsultant vascular surgeon Mr Trenner discusses his practice of using a urinary catheter when undergoing an Endovascular Aortic Repair and why this is useful.
Urinary catheter for EVAR Matthias TrennerConsultant vascular surgeon Mr Trenner discusses his practice of using a urinary catheter when undergoing an Endovascular Aortic Repair and why this is useful.
mr Matthias TrennerAre aneurysms painful?Consultant vascular surgeon Mr Trenner answers whether there is pain associated with having an aneurysm, and when there is likely to be pain.
mr Matthias Trennerin Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Matthias TrennerThis playlist is a compilation of popular themes and frequently asked questions relating to Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR).3
TEVARmr Matthias TrennerThis playlist is a compilation of popular themes and frequently asked questions relating to Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR).3
mr Matthias Trennerin Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) aneurysms painful?mr Matthias TrennerConsultant vascular surgeon Mr Trenner answers whether there is pain associated with having an aneurysm, and when there is likely to be pain.
Are aneurysms painful?mr Matthias TrennerConsultant vascular surgeon Mr Trenner answers whether there is pain associated with having an aneurysm, and when there is likely to be pain.
mr Matthias Trennerin Aortic Dissection Community TEVAR be used for Type B aortic dissection?mr Matthias TrennerConsultant vascular surgeon Mr Trenner discusses how aortic dissection can be treated. TEVAR can be used for Type B aortic dissection, but is not a technique for Type A aortic dissection.
Can TEVAR be used for Type B aortic dissection?mr Matthias TrennerConsultant vascular surgeon Mr Trenner discusses how aortic dissection can be treated. TEVAR can be used for Type B aortic dissection, but is not a technique for Type A aortic dissection.