Dr Health-shared Officialin HealthShared Diabetes Communityhttps://health-shared.com/stories/why-do-people-with-diabetes-develop-foot-problems-0326Understanding Diabetic Foot ComplicationsDr Health-shared OfficialDiscover the reasons behind foot problems in diabetes patients.
Understanding Diabetic Foot ComplicationsDr Health-shared OfficialDiscover the reasons behind foot problems in diabetes patients.
Health-Shared OfficialDiabetes and the UK South Asian Community - TreatmentThis playlist is for people interested in Diabetes with a South Asian Community viewpoint.9
Dr Health-shared Officialin HealthShared Diabetes Communityhttps://health-shared.com/stories/what-is-diabetic-ketoacidosis-0062What is Diabetic Ketoacidosis?Dr Health-shared OfficialSister Parminder Rihal, Diabetes Specialist Nurse explains what Diabetic Ketoacidosis is. She explains it is not very common but can happen in people with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes. She describes situations where people might develop this when they're unwell. The condition can make you feel very sick and cause belly pain, cramps in legs and belly.
What is Diabetic Ketoacidosis?Dr Health-shared OfficialSister Parminder Rihal, Diabetes Specialist Nurse explains what Diabetic Ketoacidosis is. She explains it is not very common but can happen in people with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes. She describes situations where people might develop this when they're unwell. The condition can make you feel very sick and cause belly pain, cramps in legs and belly.
Dr Health-shared Officialin HealthShared Diabetes Communityhttps://health-shared.com/stories/my-experiences-of-stigma-around-having-diabetes-0441My experiences of stigma around having Diabetes.Dr Health-shared OfficialChris talks movingly about Stigma he has experienced around having Type 1 Diabtes as a young person and later. He tells a story from school where the schools arrangements for him to get his lunch first in the school hall led to painful comments from his class fellows. He also talks about more recent disapproving comments or impressions from people if he's seen to be drinking a can of Coke when his blood sugar is low. Chris explains that knowledge and awareness will improve these situations and draws parallels with his experiences of his parents moving from Wales into London and being 'other' to the norm.
My experiences of stigma around having Diabetes.Dr Health-shared OfficialChris talks movingly about Stigma he has experienced around having Type 1 Diabtes as a young person and later. He tells a story from school where the schools arrangements for him to get his lunch first in the school hall led to painful comments from his class fellows. He also talks about more recent disapproving comments or impressions from people if he's seen to be drinking a can of Coke when his blood sugar is low. Chris explains that knowledge and awareness will improve these situations and draws parallels with his experiences of his parents moving from Wales into London and being 'other' to the norm.
Dr Health-shared Officialin HealthShared Diabetes Communityhttps://health-shared.com/stories/treatment-for-diabetic-foot-ulcers-what-do-i-need-0883Treatment for Diabetic Foot Ulcers - what do I need?Dr Health-shared OfficialDr Prashant Vas, Consultant Endocrinologist and Diabetologist talk about various treatment which may be needed. He explains that treatments are very much dependant on your particular problem. He talks about reasons for ulcers occurring and treatments being targeted towards these reasons. He mentions off-loading techniques as well as angioplasty and bypass. He also mentions full plater of Paris casts which are used in conditions like Charcot Foot.
Treatment for Diabetic Foot Ulcers - what do I need?Dr Health-shared OfficialDr Prashant Vas, Consultant Endocrinologist and Diabetologist talk about various treatment which may be needed. He explains that treatments are very much dependant on your particular problem. He talks about reasons for ulcers occurring and treatments being targeted towards these reasons. He mentions off-loading techniques as well as angioplasty and bypass. He also mentions full plater of Paris casts which are used in conditions like Charcot Foot.