Health Shared Venous OfficialPatients with ''Redness'' - Continuing CareHere you can learn about the relevant follow up required for patients with skin redness as well as the use of compression stockings.2
Health Shared Venous OfficialCellulitis - LearningHere you can learn about how cellulitis develops, how common it is and the main risks and symptoms associated with it.4
Health Shared Venous OfficialPTS (Post-thrombotic syndrome) - LearningHere you can learn about what PTS is, how common it is, and its main symptoms and risk factors and how to prevent it.7
Health Shared Venous OfficialBleeding, related to Varicose Veins - TreatmentHere you can learn about how to stop bleeding from varicose veins and how quickly treatment should be taken.3
Health Shared Venous OfficialVTE Risk and Flight - TreatmentHere you can learn about the conservative measures you can use to prevent a VTE from developing and prevention strategies suited for you.1