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Partner with us to create vibrant, empowering communities.

Why partner?

The Health-Shared platform turbo-charges your ability to effectively engage and empower your community. We do this by understanding the community’s needs using qualitative research methods. We then create a bespoke content plan for each season based on the light and warmth the community needs (explicit and tacit knowledge; see below). The content we develop is from the community itself - the best way for it to be relevant. We also have explicit knowledge content to anchor the community in legitimate mainstream healthcare. The content schedule can include links to relevant local and national events. Community members can comment and share in a moderated safe environment and members get a digest email every day.

If you’re an organisation

Existing community admins

Migrate your community onto the health-shared platform and benefit from:

  • Fully managed solution or a tailored self service solution
  • Human in the loop AI moderation
  • Explicit and tacit knowledge tagging for content
  • Content scheduling for community feed
  • Daily community digest email.

Setting up a new community

Available for public health bodies, Pharmacy and Pharma, Primary and Secondary care, Med tech and Community organisations.

Create your community onto the health-shared platform and benefit from:

  • Fully managed solution or a tailored self service solution
  • Human in the loop AI moderation
  • Explicit and tacit knowledge tagging for content
  • Content scheduling for community feed
  • Daily community digest email.
  • Community setup with ambassador recruitment and interviews.
  • Identifying explicit and tacit themes relevant to your community

Contact us to discuss your individual requirements. We would be happy to create a custom solution for your needs and discuss costs.

If you’re an individual

You can join health-shared as a regular member and join a community. If you’d like to work with the community you can apply to the admins to become a community ambassador and share your experiences on a formal basis with the community.

What are Health-Shared Communities?

Communities of practice (CoPs) are groups of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise by interacting on an ongoing basis (1). Online CoPs are increasingly recognised as a key enabler of better self-management by WHO and the NHS (2,3). Health-Shared communities empower people to ‘patient activation’ through the optimised functioning of online Communities of Practice.

What do Health-Shared Communities do?

Health-Shared Communities ‘activate’ through the sharing of ‘light and warmth’.

'Patient activation' and 'Supported self-management' have the potential to promote better health and Quality of Life (QoL) outcomes through empowering individuals. The WHO defines patient empowerment as ‘a process through which people gain greater control over decisions and actions affecting their health’ (4), and is a priority area to improve healthcare outcomes (5).

We see Health-Shared Communities as like campfires in a dark forest. The Dark Forest is a world full of misinformation and echo-chambers. The Campfire is a moderated Community made up of experts and people with lived experiences, supported by relevant industry.

People see useful information from afar (this is known as tacit knowledge - but we like to call it ‘light’!) and come closer. When people approach, they see people sitting around the campfire sharing their hopes, fears, solutions, strategies, successes and failures. This is called tacit knowledge (but we like to call it ‘warmth’!).

People come when they see the light and stay when they feel the warmth.


Light: Informative content arranged into journeys (explicit knowledge).

Warmth: Insights from community members on issues, hopes, fears, solutions, strategies, successes and failures (tacit knowledge).

Get in touch to discuss your communities needs:
  • NHS Long Term Plan [Internet]. NHS; Available from:
  • Ranmuthugala G, Plumb JJ, Cunningham FC, Georgiou A, Westbrook JI, Braithwaite J. How and why are communities of practice established in the healthcare sector? A systematic review of the literature. BMC Health Serv Res. 2011 Dec;11(1):273.
  • Lesser EL, Storck J. Communities of practice and organizational performance. IBM Syst J. 2001;40(4):831–41.
  • Hibbard JH, Greene J. What The Evidence Shows About Patient Activation: Better Health Outcomes And Care Experiences; Fewer Data On Costs. Health Aff (Millwood). 2013 Feb;32(2):207–14.
  • Edgar WB, Albright KS. Knowledge management activities: Conceptual foundations and research issues. J Inf Sci. 2023 Dec;49(6):1656–76.